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Why You Shouldn't Write Off Cold Email Marketing

    Bruce Martin
    Bruce Martin

Why You Shouldn't Write Off Email Marketing Just Yet

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. 1. Easily Scalable
  3. 2. Highly Cost-Effective
  4. 3. Boost Brand Awareness
  5. 4. Easily Track and Measure Performance


It's not uncommon for businesses to dismiss email marketing as "dead," "outdated," or even "useless." However, countless B2B and B2C businesses worldwide are using email outreach daily to generate leads for their products and services. With a solid strategy in place, the benefits of email marketing are substantial. In this blog post, we'll discuss four reasons why you should reconsider email marketing for your business.

1. Easily Scalable

One of the most significant advantages of email marketing is its scalability. The more email accounts you have, the more emails you can collect and the more people you can send your campaign to. However, it's essential to warm up each email account to ensure deliverability in the primary inbox. Unsolicited email campaigns can trigger spam filters, rendering your hard work unseen.

Warming up your account is crucial for increasing both deliverability and volume. Although it can be a time-consuming process, many automated account warm-up tools available in the market can streamline it. This allows you to send high volumes of emails quickly and across multiple accounts.

2. Highly Cost-Effective

Compared to the rising ad costs on social media platforms, email marketing is incredibly cost-effective. You can send thousands of emails from multiple accounts without a significant increase in expenses. Once you scale, the cost depends on the tools you're using. Various plans enable you to send a substantial number of emails each month at an affordable price, making it an excellent marketing option.

3. Boost Brand Awareness

While it might not be your primary focus initially, scaling your email marketing efforts can increase brand awareness over time. By definition, most cold email recipients haven't heard of your business. However, each opened email increases awareness and familiarity with your brand.

4. Easily Track and Measure Performance

Email marketing is one of the most straightforward strategies to track and monitor performance. Advanced analytics tools available on the market enable you to measure numerous metrics, including clicks, opens, replies, and deliverability. By tracking your progress, you can identify opportunities for improvement and adjust your campaigns accordingly to refine your lead generation efforts.

In conclusion, rather than dismissing email marketing as a bygone channel, businesses should recognize its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and ability to increase brand awareness. With advanced tracking tools to measure performance, email marketing should be considered a valuable lead generation tool for any business.

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